1970s London Fog Raincoat: Village Thrift, Chicago
1960s paisley dress: Very Best Vintage, Chicago
Calvin Klein Boots via Buffalo Exchange, Chicago It's hard to see in the outfit photo but I'm wearing a HUGE & amazing vintage ('70s?) plastic and rhinestone cat face pin. I just bought it this morning at a rummage sale. It reminded me of the famous Lea Stein designed animal brooches but mine was much more affordable. I'm modeling a 1970s sweater & a 1960s brocade bag from Take 2 Vintage. Yes, I normally would not wear all these patterns together! A very Pan Am stewardess style dress. Gorgeous red earrings. A 1960s vinyl blue train case/make up bag. Sets of vintage moonglow beads, the pink sets reminded me of my friend Maranda. 1960s "Cinderella" shoes-- silver and clear plastic. Surprisingly I did not buy this green pebbled 1970s cat necklace. A 1960s handbag in my favorite shade of blue, aqua! The purse also has a surprise, a lovely patterned interior. India trying on her purchase, a 1970s apron. I have several 1960s/70s vinyl flight style bags but this one is special-- it was branded for the Coca-Cola company. India snatched this up to use for her laptop computer bag.

I hope more of my vintage dealer friends have similar curated garage sales this summer! Maybe with bbq next time?