NYC Style Spot   +  Inspiration

Tuesday Treats
{the thoughtful & loving D, who surprised me with this amazing belated birthday gift}
"Pray more than you complain" is a sentiment that has been running through my head constantly for the past week: in the midst of rainy weather and a busy schedule, I've realized that there has been a serious need of an perspective check. It seems as though I am always telling myself to be more thankful, but as cliche as it sounds: simply counting and making note of the small things (no matter how seemingly trivial) can often be enough to turn an attitude around. {a catch-up date with a friend over an indulgent breakfast} {a stunning Reem Acra gown at the Creme de la Creme preview at the Four Seasons} {a manual matcha grinder at one of the coolest new spots in the city - o5 rare tea bar on west 4th}  {the amazing bright orange soles on these Joe Fresh beauties}