NYC Style Spot   +  Inspiration

#MakeAScene with FCUK!
Although I definitely don't have the amount of patience required to ever become a filmmaker, I can definitely get on board with experimenting with video when it's fun and easy. That's why I'm particularly excited to be partnering with French Connection to tell you about their #MakeAScene campaign: starting today, the brand is launching an international film competition (March 1-April 30) that will give you the power to create your own personalized movie -- along with special effects and a soundtrack -- and it's super EASY! I made the one above in about 5 minutes, and I think it looks pretty great if I say so myself!

Make one yourself, share it with your friends and you could win a trip to Sydney 2013 Film Festival---all expenses paid! Runner up prizes include $500 and $1000 shopping sprees at any French Connection store in the world. #makeascene

Create your own film scene at! Have an amazing weekend!