NYC Style Spot   +  Inspiration

Tis the season to decorate

Only 24 sleeps left until the man in the big red coat with fur cuffs and lining, paired with black boots that have lasted season after season, slides into children's hearts... but here's a secret, Santa's already here for me this year. I haven't ever gone "Christmas nuts" at home before, but for some reason I'm so very excited for this year and I'm getting into it. I don't care that it's become more of a commercial holiday than a celebration of Jesus. I choose to celebrate it as both. So this year I'll be following the Catholic advent calendar whilst enjoying the many treats and tricks companies bring to shop shelves themed around this very holiday and the man in red and white. Check out my apartment so far. I've gone red wherever I can and it will no doubt grow throughout the month, beginning with towels and sheets, to everything including paper straws and crockery. The majority of my decorations and themed homewares came from Bed, Bath & Table and Loot Homewares.