NYC Style Spot   +  Inspiration

the way they are
Alluring face, luscious body, creamy skin, phenomenal hair, pristine make up, those are what all women would do to please their partner, crush, boyfriend or husband, you name it. But then again, what is the true essence of a relationship? Is it the way you guys look good together? Is it all the salutations you got from him? I bet you say no. Beauty is skin deep. Wrinkles will show, your skin will fade, you start to lose your hair, you become old. Yes, time is something you can't turn back and stop, time is ticking like a non-stop working machine, we just have to sit back and accept the fact that we are running against the time. 
After all those time you devote to make your relationship a better figure, all those left are the memories of you two. So believe me, what you do together, what you feel together, what you talk about together are the ones those count until the death does you apart. 
When you find your other half, your yin to your yang, your zen and your happiness, the you will move into the next step: take an oath on behalf of yourselves to love your partner forever and ever. That is the greatest of all.
Just like a great wedding videography, wedding photography, they could capture the moment right the way it is, you should be able to love your loved ones the way they are. 
by the way, feeling like black crop top and floral high waisted skirt kinda day!