No, for the umpteenth time we're not pregnant.
Last month I applied for a place in Griffith University's Master of Business Administration (MBA), for their July intake. After This Guy and some of my super amazing network (professional and otherwise) twisted my arm to apply, I was waiting for the day I got the call to tell me I had to wait another year or two. You can't just walk into an MBA program. There's an entrance essay to have approved, professional references to gather, prior education and professional experience to take into consideration. I was almost certain that they'd push me back.
Somewhere, somehow, I managed to get an offer, and I gratuitously accepted. Yes! Further studies to assist in my pursuit to be the best I can be and do the best I can. I'm ready for all sorts of challenges and experiences and content from marketing to economics to international relations and strategy. I'm ready to lock myself away as a social hermit for two years and have tea parties with text books and flash cards.
I'm a pretty big believer in celebrating your wins, no matter how minor, and although I haven't graduated as a Master yet, or even completed and passed a singe unit, I still count being offered a place as a win and thus I'm shouting it from the rooftops. I'm pretty damn excited about it and even more excited that part of my Human Resources degree has been used as credit for some of the units, so I don't have to re-study the things I'm already working as a guru in.
Now, there's a catch. I have to study and with working full time, travelling and spending some quality time with This Guy, there's not alot of time for much else. My first unit is accounting and I'm swiftly preparing my brain for explosion once I receive details of my assessments.
...but if my brain doesn't explode, I'll still be here, just not as frequently. Please allow me to apologise in advance for the times where fresh content is not so thriving, as I'm sure is to be the case at some stage.
I do have some amazing, inspiring, whimsical content coming your way soon.
On another note... I think I need a tutor?
Image by Elise Walsh
NYC Style Spot + Inspiration
Sneak Peek of Market Supply Co.
Kasia Struss (Women, Paris) exits Viktor and Rolf
New York Street Style: Nolita and midtown
Casual Friday
Fashion Week: Bryant Park sidewalks