Here are the AFTER shots for our Toy Room as discussed in my previous post
I still need to find a creative (and not cluttered looking) solution for displaying current art by the boys. I have framed some special pieces that will probably go in their bedrooms but I need something that is easily changed, often...
Thomas table $299 from ELC Storage, baskets and frames- IKEA

Their favourite toy box... full of costumes to fuel their imaginations!
Silk Cushions from Trilogy WA ($219 each)
Personalised prints for 'Taj' and 'Cove' from Etsy
Personalised trays, VT Interiors
You know I love trays, as mentioned in a previous post. I have trays everywhere!
I put a few books in the tv unit draws and leave the rest in storage baskets.
I bring out new books every fortnight

Farmers Market Stall
Eco Toys
Personalised trays, VT Interiors
You know I love trays, as mentioned in a previous post. I have trays everywhere!
Melissa & Doug Puzzle storage
I leave one basket of toys out under the Thomas table and each night I replace it with a new one, storing the rest in the baskets I had from the previous toy room layout. The plastic Ikea storage containers I previously had now store all of our linen. I have labelled each category and can now easily find the sheets I'm after.
The boys now really look forward to the surprise basket/theme of the day everyday- like they are getting new toys :)
You will see more of our house and family on TV next week... Taj can't wait!
I will let you know what day and time in a few days!