NYC Style Spot   +  LIFE

New Home Count Down: 6 weeks!

Taj playing at my parent's house (we stay in the guest cottage in the background)
with his 'girlfriend' & besty MJ and her little bro. It's good to be back! :) This is not like me, at all, I'm an organiser! I am also impatient.
So, when hubby suddenly decided he was changing jobs & state I was not prepared. I hadn't been building my dream home for our big move back to Melbourne... the positive side of this however is that we have been living at our beach house down the coast for 3 months and at my parent's house in Melbourne. I have refrained from OTT cleaning and organising and have been able to embrace every minute of everyday and be even more PRESENT with my children. It has been a massive blessing in disguise! I always aim to be more present as I have a bit of a monkey mind- I can't sit still, meditation is something that I have to work very hard on! I believe in it, I WILL get there!

We move in to our new home in 6 weeks... can't wait to be close to some great friends again!