Along with the lovelies, Lily & Nancy, I attended the private event in celebration for the new store opening of Michael Kors in Pacific Centre.
I mixed, mingled, 'camera whored' and drank more champagne than I should have, especially on an empty stomach—thank Lord for those delectable grilled cheese sandwiches stuffed with caramelized onions sustaining my appetite though. Damn. They were good.
Bright coloured handbags filled brightly light walls that were stunningly eye-catching but my attention was more focused on the collection of beautiful watches in the pristine display cases—I swear, if I was given another glass of wine, I would have purchased one. It has happened to me before in David Yurman, so its bound to happen again.
Anyways, I had a wonderful time indeed but more so for the fact that I spent it with my two girlfriends. xx