The table set up and ready the night before his big day!
"Mummy, oh, I love it so much!" "It's just like Andy's Birthday"
The emotion and expression on my son's face as these word's came out were truly priceless.
I will never forget it. All the late night's I spent up organising decorations & baking were all worth it. The fact that I was EXHAUSTED, getting over pneumonia and six weeks of sleepless nights (in & out of hospital's) with sick children also disappeared.
My son was turning 3 and for the first time he was genuinely excited and was finally understanding just what Birthday's are all about.
He felt so special being a part of it- it just made my heart melt.
Making the decorations with me and being involved in every aspect gave him so much confidence and pride in himself looking around at all of the decorations coming together every day leading up to his party that was on his actual Birthday- even better!
The kids table... this was re-set 100 times before the kids went to bed. They kept moving everything around,
re-arranging, just like their Mum likes to! :)
A couple of present's waiting for the Birthday boy in the morning
Happy Birthday bunting custom made from the UK
'Sunnyside Daycare' with ball pit & colouring station

More pics to come!!
*All photos are property of Bree McPhee, not to be used on pinterest or anywhere else without prior consent in writing (by email.)