NYC Style Spot + Inspiration
Blazer, Target Boys; Dress, H&M; Tee, Forever21; Shoes, Nine West; Bag, Vintage Chanel; Pins, Chanel & Marc by Marc; Headband, Burberry;
Dress, Free People; Slip& Belt, Vintage; Shoes, Nine West; Head Band, Burberry; Sunglasses, Ray-Ban;
Shirt, Forever21; Skirt, Target; Cardigan, Vintage; Shoes, Sales rack @ Loehmanns , Bag, Vintage Chanel;
New York City Street Fashion: Meat Packing District
Joan Smalls (IMG, NY): exclusive photo
Weekend Lust: Reflecting on the past- Taj's Birthday is coming up
Mimmi and Peppi
Lily Donaldson and Dree Hemingway