NYC Style Spot + lifestyle
But, as far as i concern, perhaps i just haven't felt the charm or perhaps, i don't know what he has to offer! LOL. he's kind of cute, though! i watched an interview of him in E! and he got great sense of humor! really, he's adorable and cute!
and you know what i can say about Transformer 2? I'm sorry, but i think the first transformer is better, the sequel is too much on explosions! and megan fox doesn't even do anything, in the first movie, she still did something like driving the car while bumble bee's shooting! and btw, i love BUMBLE BEE! and the way Shia's saying bee is cute! i want to be the bee, though! LOL. anyway, megan is more like a show than an actress, she does sexy poses and stuffs instead of taking action scenes.. sorry.. even Shia doesn't really got my nerve! the only thing they do is RUNNING, then explosions.. but, i still love the movie :) call me BEE
Models Street Style: let the good times roll!
1970s Style at North Avenue Beach
town mouse : country mouse
like splendid opus
miraculous beauty.