Oh deary me, I should have written this post last night, but was so mesmerised
by the latest Kelis album that I lost all track of time. That and the snow outside made me get my priorities wrong and now I’m writing coffee in hand, hardly awake.
So this is the first of my new outfit posts. It’s very dark right now, in the old city of Brussels (Belgium), and I’m finding it increasingly hard to take pictures of myself with my wobbly camera. Last time I posted an “empty” (as in “no girl in the clothes”) outfit post you all seemed to like it, so I thought I would give it go with the latest additions to my wardrobe.
Behold...the maxi dress!! It’s been ages since I’ve been trying to bag the right one, and when last week I came across this one from New Look at just £5 (€7) it had to be mine. I'm wearing it with a Karen Millen leather jacket from last year's winter collection.

The idea for this look was to avoid a super Goth look- I’m no Olsen twin so that was a no-no. To soften the edges I went for hints of grey and silver with the belt from Pull & Bear and boots from New Look, girlie gloves from Accessorize and a green beaded necklace from H&M. Below a more focused look on the upper part.

And close-ups on the accessories and shoes,

Other shoes to wear can be some wedged pumps, and in this case I would go for bare legs or very light tights underneath, otherwise the footwear gets lost in the overall dark shade.

Or you can ignore everything above, grab your leopard coat (my one is from Pull & Bear, A/W 2009) and add some glamour to the winter days, and who cares about anything else!

Are you giving the maxi dress trend a go? Or is it one of those winter styles to avoid? There are a lot of strongly opposed opinions on this look, you either love it or hate it.
Pictures: Fashion Limbo