NYC Style Spot + interviewed
dress, target girls; shoes,;
long day at work, followed by packing and browsing target. i have to admit i love to shop in the kids dept, not because of the fit, but because it's so easy to find cheap, unique pieces that have different cuts and alot of potential. this dress is very reminiscent to me of my childhood private school uniform, and it's so comfortable! now i shall move onto something less comfrotable and go clean my room. uggggggggh what a pain. i wish i had a genie who can grant me self cleaning room.
The Supermelon interviewed me recently, and you can read the article here.
As you were: Creative friends
Taking Spaces...
Oscars 2016 - The Glam.
Posh Will Always Be My Favorite Spice Mom!
Decorating my house: STEP 1- The ENTRANCE, my inspiration (IMAGES)