NYC Style Spot + tights
zip sleeve shirt & skirt, target; tights, express; shoes,;
It's been a bad week.I haven't been in the mood to dress up or take pictures. Here's a photo of an outfit from sometime last week, I can't remember what day. I really like the faux-elizabeth james zip sleeves on this target tee.
I hit up nordstrom this morning before work as an attempt to get away from my problems and cheer myself up. After wandering around aimlessly for about 10 minutes I took it a bit more seriously and dug through the half yearly designer clearance section. I wish I had more money for all the amazing things, deeply deeply discounted. I ended up getting a twenty8twelve denim side zip pencil skirt, an alexander wang tee, and a catherine holstein tunic/dress thing (I can't find a picture of it anywhere).
Big Red Uluru
no picture, just me
The Dreaming: Awakening
The Best Kind of Trouble Comes in Threes
Magic in the Mix