NYC Style Spot   +  vintage

dreamin ridge

bodysuit, vintage; bow shorts, California Select; shoes, topshop;

It has been an extremely hectic week for me filled with last minute cramming, dinner with cool internet people, attending a graduation, and trying to get 2 year olds to sit still for 4 seconds so I can snap a picture (extremely difficult, btw). Alls I can say is I'm exhausted. At least tomorrow this ugly shadow will cease to follow me around going "study for me, studddyyyy". Our studio at work is half studio/half vintage remake central, so all day long we hear the moans and groans of loud sewing machines. To make up for the nuisance, the sewers make beautiful one-of-a-kind (and very Chloe ss09, eh) shorts and other goodies. These could be my next live-in shorts, except I better not spill in-n-out spread all over them, these are made of silk. Drycleaning is a pain in the butt. Am I the only messy eater who has this problem?

On a better note, I was in the LA Sunday Times today! You can read the text of the article here. Thanks Deborah!