NYC Style Spot   +  sweet stuff

i skip my class today
dang! i'm so thrilled these days. getting featured in a magazine pumps my heart! :) well, it appears that i'm so friggin excited! i got featured in DRESSCODE magazine in Street Style section. it's October issue, btw :D and i also got featured in CHICISIMO.COM
it's too good to be true, but in fact, i love it! :) well i do love spotlight, i don't neccessarily need to deny it. but i know the limit, i won't brag too much because i know what it feels like have to face those over confident idiots. LMAO, just kidding.
anyway, i skipped a class of 4 hours today with marcellyna, benny and danny. I couldn't do this stuff when i was still a high school girl, but in college life, everything seems to be possible. actually, i quiet enjoy the subject as if the lecturer's better.(photo from : black and white photoshoot with Edwin Winata)(photo from: Old Town photoshoot with Paihe Tandela)