NYC Style Spot   +  Inspiration

Meet Nik, the Southern girl behind the blog Mezzo Fashionisto. She has fierce style, and we share a love for all things black and bodycon. Unlike me, she actually knows her stuff when it comes to makeup, and her blog is filled with great ideas in both fashion and beauty. Super inspirational, Nik looks amazing whether she's going for bold or barely there. Follow her on twitter @flymezzosoprano!Name: Nik
Age: 26
Location: East Texas
Size: 18/20
Favorite Places to Shop: My granny's closet, Torrid, Target, Thrift stores, Forever 21/Faith 21
Fashion Icons: Diana Ross, Elizabeth Taylor, All of my fellow fatshion bloggers (they make me want to try harder), Delmy from Fashion Bananas and Karla from Karla's Closet.
Current Obsession: I'm getting into florals, leather, lace up boots, and bright pink lipstick.
Advice to other YFF Girls: I know sometimes it can be hard to have confidence in a world which is literally bashing you everyday, but you have to embrace how you were born. I feel like embracing my fat is just like embracing my womanhood, embracing my race, it is essential to my personality and who I am. I decided a while ago that I just didn't have the time to hate my body anymore; there is so much more I want out of life and I'm not going to get it sulking and hating who I am. It's a journey, and I am still on it, I can only hope to inspire other fat ladies to join me in that journey. We can do it ladies!

If you want to be considered for YFF's Girl of the Moment, email me!
PS-Check out The Guardian's awesome article on all of us fatshion bloggers!