NYC Style Spot + Inspiration
In the meantime I'll be posting all the photos I've been saving up since the middle of January! It's hard to know where to start-- my 25th birthday was this Monday (the 22nd) so I have photos from various outings, also took a week-long trip to NYC & Philadelphia at the beginning of this month. Here's a set of images from winter break at the end of January... Despite living in Chicago for 2 1/2 years I hadn't made it to the Museum of Science & Industry down in Hyde Park... so on Friday I played the role of 'local tourist' and took advantage of their free admission days (all week days in January!). Definitely the best non-art museum I've ever been to... trains! airplanes! fuzzy baby chicks! They had it all. We spent four hours in there and still made it to The Smart Museum of Art at the University of Chicago (and also poked around their campus), an art exhibit at the Renaissance Society (also at UC) and went to Frank Lloyd Wright's Robie House... just looked at the outside and gift shop as we didn't feel like spending $ on the tour. Overall a great day and a fun 'field trip.'
more about me, more about my dance DNA.
Met Gala inspiration
Astrid Traung Off Duty (FM Agency, London)
Tuesday Treats
Links à La Mode - December 3rd 2009