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Androgyny in Indian Fashion: Boy Meets Girl
Androgyny In Indian FashionVir SheteAndrogyny In Indian FashionElton FernandezAndrogyny In Indian FashionNeville Bhandara and Elton Fernandez
My favourite Indian Street Style Blogger, Wearabout, just did an androgyny inspired guest post for FCUK and killed it! The narration, the photography, the general diva-ness; I'm in love! Here's a teaser: 
Men who surround themselves with the aesthetic. Men who see the world from a dainty perspective. The man who loves the feel of silk and the smell of flowers, the twirl of charming dresses and allure of eye shadow. The man who treads in his sister’s frock and wears his mom’s lipstick on his 8th birthday. The man who doesn’t have to snap open bras. He spends most of his money on candles & clothes. He is a home maker and has found the perfect white and blue chinese crockery set.These are some men wearing what they liked…from FCUK.
Go here for the full post. Oh and happy belated birthday, Manou! :)