NYC Style Spot   +  vintage

Be Fashionable, Be Green

Do you keep buying clothing that you only wear a couple of times? It is time to be fashionable and still love our planet, Fashion Limbo knows how:

  1. Buy vintage: Not only it is a growing trend amongst “fashionistas”, but it is also a great way of refreshing your look. Second-hand shops are full of gems, it is cheap and so eco-friendly. Want to browse? Try Ebay.

  2. Re-invent your wardrobe: Go through your own personal collection and try to re-discover items you haven’t worn in a long time. Add key accessories such as big belts, or brooches, scarves and long necklaces, or even a vintage waistcoat. You could be happily surprised.

  3. Organise your own “swap” party: Bring all your friends together for a drink, a bit of networking and a slice of fashion swapping by exchanging items you wear no more for others you could look fabulous in. It is absolute fun, great for the credit crunch and … Fashion Limbo will be organising one soon, so keep looking!

Picture: Fashion Limbo