I have only been told some minutes ago. My first niece has arrived. This is truly one of the happiest moments ever. My new mission in life is to become the coolest aunt on Earth (if my beloved sister doesn't beat me to the title).
I will teach her that Beyonce has not the perfect female body, nor Christina Hendricks...that she will be beautiful no matter what size, shape, length, weight she is. Because ALL women are gorgeous. We were all made from different molds and only monsters dictate looks.
That wearing high heels for prolonged hours is the stupidest thing ever. Book a taxi, my sweet dear, if shoes are higher than 6cm, and consider having a pair of flat pumps rolled up neatly in one’s clutch.
That an LBD is a must in a wardrobe, no matter the style - I will buy her first said dress.
That lusting after men like Robert Pattinson is insanely silly with the amazing unknown guys strolling the streets of London (but only when she's way over 18, worry not mum, pictured above, and dad)
That forgetting oneself is the biggest mistake she will ever make, even if it is for a guy, her children or her career - Never forget to love yourself even if it’s just to take 10 minutes out to paint all toe nails bright pink.
That tattoos are great, but only after you really think about it for a couple of years and you’re over 18 - and rightfully informed of how painfully slow it is to remove them.
That leather leggings are better left to Rihanna to wear and that is perfectly fine. And on that note, gold hot-pants only look good on Kylie.
That Martinis and chocolate go great together, and that chocolate is a girl's kitchen cabinet essential.
That everyone, absolutely everyone has cellulite.
That fake tan will ultimately look... well fake.
That women should always try, no matter how hard, to be kind to one another.
And finally... that being different and unique is something fantastic to aspire to.