NYC Style Spot + lifestyle
first of all, forget about having INSTANT diet. there's no such thing as healthy way to do instant diet. if you want to lose weight, let some time does its magic. you have to be patient and get rid of temptations. but i gotta tell you, my diet was never really torturing cause i eat chocolate at daily base. see? i can still have snacks and lose weight. how better can it be?
Next thing you need to do, try to avoid your weighting scale. at least not too much!
simply follow my steps :
1. eat super LITTLE portion of rice. i gotta tell you, carbohydrate is evil! change to red / brown rice, they got more fiber and less carbs.
2. eat more veggies and fruits *obviously* cause that makes your digestive system works better
3. always remember that you NEED to lose weight and WANT it so bad. that works for me, so that i don't want to eat much.
4. do have some snacks, but skip your meal afterwards, or you can just reduce your small portion to smaller portion *i know it's not healthy, but you eat snacks already*
5. i normally do 3 spoons of rice along with veggies and meat.
6. exercise at least once a week, well i did dancing.. and that burnt lotsa calories. or you can even do window shopping for hours, i lost 1 kg everytime i do window shopping with friends for the whole day! :) on heels.
7. learn to hate food.especially carbs, noodles and rice *tho i love them a lot* i can't even eat 1 portion of indomie back then.. i always eat half and got damn full!
well i don't really have proper before after photos. but seriously. you can try my diet. hahai lost 6kgs in 2 years. tho it sounds bad, but sometimes, you won't even realize you've been doing that for years.
i'm encouraging you guys to create a new habit, trust me! after awhile, eating is just another unnecessary thing you want to do. and once it happens to be a habit, it's hard to go back to your old eating routine.
before: after :
On the streets at the Cynthia Rowley show
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Good Morning America
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