Our Breakfast
For now our hand runs wild with the grief,
and with all the sadness that captivates the body
We shake and shiver and the tears are wet,
toes grow numb and our breakfast comes up again
It is done quickly without much hesitation,
long locks held back with two delicate fingers
Later we look over at the pantry we love to torment,
the scales say we've lost but the mirror says we've gainedBulimia is not a new phenomenon, nor is it going away any time soon. On Sunday the 10th of October it was International Mental Health Day, and as a tribute Fashion's Sweethart has done this short photographic editorial to spread the message about Bulimia. It goes alongside the poem "Our Breakfast", by Claire, that has been included above the photographs of black dresses.
This is not an attempt to make the disorder attractive, but to show people how easy it can be for someone to fall into the disorder. Being happy and healthy are the two most important things in life, and these should not be taken away for superficial reasons. If you are unhappy with your weight there are other ways to change that; like a healthy diet and healthy exercise.
Photo 1: Dotti Dress, Cheeky Monkey Heels, Equip Necklace
Photo 2: Ice Dress, Lovisa Necklace, Wildfire Boots
Photo 3: Dotti Dress, Wildfire Heels, Sportsgirl Hat, Diva Bangles
Photo 4: Ice Dress, Girl Xpress Boots, Diva Chains & Bangles
Photo 5: Dotti Dress, Diva Chains & Rubi Shoes Boots