Makeup: Kathryn Rose
Model: Cassie E ♥
NYC Style Spot + sweet outfits
And today...
Be Inspired by Katie
Trapped by Tran-seasonal weather
Models Street Style: let the good times roll!
A Final Summer
It may be so ridiculously hot, the sweat pouring from your forehead and your hair frizzing out by what seems like metres, but when you're faced with such sweltering heat remember that it is almost over. Sydney has just experienced a great heat wave and Queensland's humidity during floods has caused the mosquitos to come in to feed, but never fear, Summer is almost over.
With all it's faults, the sad effects of natural disasters and mosquitos, Summer does have it's good points as well. Afterall, don't you remember how excited we all were to get out our shorts, flowing maxi dresses and bikinis? Sandals and wedges suddenly took over the streets, and the maxi skirt was given extremely high street credibility. So when you get to work stocking up for Autumn, take another lap in the fashion pool and embrace the last days of summer.
Clothing from Rochadames Boutique, a new campus for brands such as Cameo and The Showroom buried on Sherwood Road in Toowong (down the road from Toowong Village).
Photography: Allanah Hockam
Makeup: Kathryn Rose
Model: Cassie E♥