In the lead up to last night's Blogger's Meet + Greet I went crazy stalking every blogger that had RSVPed, coming up with conversation starters, and liking ALL of their blogs on facebook. Was prior reading necessary? To be perfectly honest, it helped, but wouldn't have been necessary. The Meet involved a dozen of the most influential Fashion Blogger's eating Sushi and drinking cocktails at Zuri Bar, Fortitude Valley. We all talked, and talked, and talked; it was a chance to talk about ourselves, how we got into blogging, what else we do other than blogging and where we're taking it. I met one of my absolute favourite bloggers Katie Robke, who greeted me with a beaming smile and a "Claire Bear!". Lovely little Jenna Henderson and Kirsten Lee talked to me about the up and coming Fashion Week in Sydney, and right there on the spot I started planning a photo shoot for FS. (stay tuned) There were bloggers who had been blogging for years like 'vanity' blogger Danielle who blogs about her life, and there was newbie Jamie-lee Dimes who has only been blogging since the start of the year. We all had different experiences with being a fashion blogger, and it was good to be able to talk to people and not have them asking me about how much I get paid, or how I'm so slender, or how I could model all the time. These girls get it. It's like getting a dozen accountants in a room together and having not one of them talk about how they have a nice car. Danielle pointed out to me that our line of work, or most of us that went last night, is referred to as 'vanity' blogging. I'll take that. If someone asks me what I do I can always says, "I'm a vanity blogger". Sounds a bit different to blog editor doesn't it?
There were also quite a few bloggers who already knew one another, and some who already called one another friends. Jamie Louise, Natasha Darling and Jamie-lee Dimes all met on the fashion scene and have been good friends ever since. Another interesting thing was that half the girls who came, including Marzie Mackinney were some form of vegetarian; vegan, pespetarian, or flexetarian.
Overall, the dinner was great! I had heaps of fun and there are some girls who were in that room who I'm already organising to see again. These bloggers and I, we're going to band together, and with one blog at a time, we'll take over the world. Check out the girl's blogs
Pictured: Danielle Lewis, Jenna Henderson, Marzie Mackinney
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