NYC Style Spot + Inspiration
First, here are the 10 winners of the 20% off Lucky You cards (and their Twitter handles): Grace @CanineCelebrity
pancakeSTACKER @pancakeSTACKER
Xiao @xiaoo
Mary @delightfulB
Kathy Ko @kathygko
ne-knopka @annakul
Anya @imtheitgirl
Classy Chic @fauxionista
Kate @kaaatemaclean
Kristy @Monochroma_chic
and the winner of the Pamera skirt is... Cee @cocoandvera!!
Congratulations to all the winners! Please email me your mailing address to herwaisechoice [at] to claim your prize!
Winners were chosen using
India Independence Week Spotlight: Happy Independence Day, Folks!
All Around the Mulberry Tree
inkheart, inkworld, inkspell
more about me, more about my dance DNA.