NYC Style Spot + Inspiration
You'll notice that this outfit is a departure from my usual style-- I usually don't wear 1980s clothing and rarely anything as fitted as the skirt. When I spied the hot pink Ungaro high waisted pencil skirt at Seek Vintage a few months ago, however, I tried it on a whim and fell in love. To make it a little more 1980s does 1950s I paired it with a cotton blouse from the 1950s and a pair of espadrille wedges. In front of local cocktail hot spot, The Violet Hour, is a rotating wall mural. The latest version is a large white whale that I believe is supposed to be the whale from Herman Melville's "Moby Dick". Sarah was also rockin' a 1980s outfit with her cutoff jean shorts and off the shoulder blouse. I'm not sure how old this "tribal" style necklace is but it makes a statement whenever I wear it-- it's made up of hundreds of small beads (not sure if they're made of shell or bone). Forgive my messy hair, I think it was windy that day (as per usual)! OUTFIT DETAILS:
Vintage Tribal style necklace: Buffalo Exchange
Vintage Leather Belt: Buffalo Exchange
1950s button down cotton shirt (think it was originally a pajama top): Pilsen Thrift & Vintage
1980s Ungaro pencil skirt: Seek Vintage
Vintage silver rings & wood bangles: Thrifted in Chicago
Sandals purchased last year in the Philippines Also a few instagram photos of the day too, courtesy of Sarah. Follow her on instagram @Sazzou. She's holding a fish taco from Big Star above. Before hitting the bar we popped into Urban Outfitters to check out what "the kids" are into these days-- lots of neon and 1990s as we suspected! Sarah is in front of a neat art installation above. Sarah convinced me to try on this mint green lace dress but unfortunately it was a wee big on me but it was fun to twirl around in it anyways! Emporium was a bit dark to get proper photos in but Sarah managed to snag a few Instagram pictures above. The concept of the bar is that one can purchase tokens (for a quarter a piece) and play on one of the several dozen "old school" 1980s/1990s video games like Pac Man, Donkey Kong, etc. I'm terrible at video games so I was content to see my friends make the high score on their favorite games.
teapot with smile
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nuh uh, im disco barbie
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