NYC Style Spot   +  Inspiration

beautiful snow
the beetles the bees, the water the wood, the dust the air, i thank all the nature for its beautiful existence so people can refreshen themselves through fresh air and energising energy force.
let me tell you a random fact of myself. I was born with chinese name : mei xue , it literally means Beautiful Snow or Snow White, therefore maybe that is one of the inexplicable reasons why i was born so fair. it doesn't matter, i like the way my skin is but the fact i am such a person with fragile skin sucks big time. i get paper cut all the time with anything, find bruises easily everyday, the scars even seem don't wanna leave and just keep staying forever. 
anyhow, ahoy~ my first outfit post in ages! :)top - French Connection, Bag - Miu Miu, Snakeskin legging - Topshop, Shoes - Jeffrey Campbell