Tuesday Treats{loving the bursts of colour showing up around the city!}Seeing that I have (self diagnosed) seasonal affective disorder, every Winter tends to pull me under the covers where I'll want to stay until daylight savings rolls around in March. Since it finally happened this weekend, I am now happily feeling like I'm starting to crawl out of hibernation. A recent unique opportunity to shoot some street style around the city gave me the perfect chance to do just that: much of the past week was spent walking around and slowly experiencing Vancouver waking up for Springtime. Here are some highlights. Happy Tuesday!{the best brunch I've had in a while - proscuitto, brie and pear tartine at Catch 122. divine.}{going casual and ready to approach strangers to shoot their style!}{getting matched to my perfect shade of foundation at an Estee Lauder event - they offer this service at all counters!} {new menswear inspired basics from Joe Fresh and Nixon} {the cutest watchdog sunbathing in a boutique's display window}