NYC Style Spot + Inspiration
Anyway, I often buy stuff I hope to use on models in future photo shoots, but lots of it ends up collecting dust. I fell in love with the Jeremy Scott x Adidas french fry bathing suit (eBay!) and the Miss Sixty lip print dress a couple years ago and thought I'd put together a pop art inspired editorial--it never happened. I've been staring at them again lately, so when my boyfriend and I were bored with way too much energy at 3 am, I decided I'd just put 'em on and we could have our own impromptu mini-shoot. Dress-Miss Sixty/Sunglasses-ASOS//Bathing Suit-Jeremy Scott x Adidas/Sunglasses-F21/Lipstick-OCC Lip Tar "Anime"
Valentine's day. Yay or nay?
HERMES temptation
Lusting over this weekend: The X-bench
Treckie Style