I realise when I read other people's blogs, I love it when they reveal a little piece of their home. What they are renovating, choosing, deliberating between this tap ware or that tap ware - I just love it. Anyway, it works both ways so I'm back with a little reveal, this time it's our entry.
This is a really awkward spot. I've never put anything there I liked. Put a lamp there, didn't like it. A collection of blue and white - you guessed it, didn't like it. Nothing ever seemed to 'work'. You know what I mean right... when it does 'work' you just feel 'right' and don't need to touch it again. And every time you walk past it you want to take a little glimpse of it because you like it. Or peek at it deliberately as you walk a different direction.
But... I hope I'm not building myself up here - ha! I'm definitely no interior decorator but love my home. I hate being restricted by my ugly floor tiles, limited budget and time and the lack of gorgeous things you can find here in Adelaide (sorry Adelaide, I love you but there just isn't enough to choose from!).
Anyway, a few years ago I found an old Chinese table that was just the right size for this awkward spot where people come inside. Not much else worked after that. Anyway, I think I'm happy with it now. I think it finally works.
The only problem is, I stole the mirror from above the bed to put here... it's awkward with the railing. You can't put anything too big there because it just gets lost.
The ginger jars are antique, a gift from my aunt in Singapore. Yes, the basket is empty. I tossed William's toys out and put it there. I think it looks ok - just got to find something to put in it.

Here's a different view with the stair railing that I finished painting a while ago (which took me most of the year on and off, well, mostly off). And finally, a fiddle leaf fig plant! Double yay! It's my only plant and I care for it religiously. All the others have never had the same treatment... I hope I can keep it up!

The rug was from Target a few months back - jute and chenille chevron. It wont be too long lasting but I'm happy with it. Lends the right look, I just love geometric rugs. Lucky we don't walk on it much, just on our way downstairs.

I crazily lugged the glass and nickel lantern back from a business trip to Sydney. It didn't come with a box and I had to carry in in a paper bag on the plane. I said it was crazy. And my toddler just broke the door, oh well. Things happen.
Hope you enjoyed the mini tour of our entry way. Not sure which tour will be next. Have posted a couple of times on the master bedroom but I have my eye on a new bedhead (upholstered this time instead of the dark timber sleigh bed which I am a bit 'over' but hard to justify a new one all the same!). We'll see. I am one of the worlds great procrastinators! But with interior decorating, you just have to be sure you have what you want because in real life, most of us don't get to change our bed heads on a whim or our dining tables whenever we see one we like better. So, it's for keeps so I don't' jump in without thinking.
But I probably do over think it...