Leather vest: ZARA. Shirt: H&M. White Tee: SOLEONE LUXURY BASICS. Jeans: ACNE. Boots: ASOS. Rings: DAVID YURMAN.
Less than a week today, I'll be in New York City gallivanting the streets as though it were a runway. While in NYC I'll be spending money I don't have on an over the top wardrobe for spring and I'll be stuffing my face with enough food that could feed an entire orphanage because...I'm on vacation. Hell yeeeeah!
The best thing about being on vacation in a different city is the fact that you are a tourist, nonlocal, stranger...basically 'unknown'. Being born and raised in Vancouver, the city to me has become tiny and everyone knows each other and each other's damn business and having a local blog definitely adds more shine to the spotlight. Just being able to run away for a week and be a stranger is great but to be in a place like New York City where life is beyond vibrant, it's going to be amazing.
On another note, major love to the guys at SOLEONE LUXURY BASICS.I'm a strong advocate of simple basic pieces who believes that everyone should have a great supply of quality essentials, such as incredibly soft white-tees and ultra comfortable undergarments for the wardrobe. Perfect for everyday layering outfits or just lounging around in, Soleone Luxury Basics are terrific staples you all should check out.