NYC Style Spot + Inspiration
by the way,SEE MY PROFILE HERE! don't forget to sign up too and I will ensure you won't be disappointed
There are a couple of things you can actually do with Clozette are:
1. BROWSE and be UPDATED with latest BEAUTY and FASHION trends! Clozette will review a lot about what's hot these days and you will be ensured to receive great informations and insights on what is happening!
2. SHARE your personal style. When you have no other medium to share your style and beauty tips, Clozette could be your bestfriend! Sharing with other users, get feedbacks and comments on other people! Isn't it fun? 3. SHOP SHOP SHOP! Of course we all love to shop, and here in Clozette, you can perk yourself with amazing varieties of clothes! Giving you the privileges to shop in a quick and easy way with Clozette online shopping system. And don't forget, it's not finished yet, with Clozette, you will be given a lot of opportunities to join their Contests or Quizzes! Right now they have two big events which are:
Clozette Peduli Lewat Selfie
in which a great charity and support is given to people with Breast Cancer, simply upload your selfie with anything Pink to Clozette and that means you are contributing IDR5k for charity. Social Beat Race
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A girl on a mission.
Doggy Style - Paul Smith Accessories
Indian Fashion 2.0
Little Doses of Happy
Links à la Mode - February 17th