I've being working on my blog a little everyday, adjusting it to my vision of what I want it to be, learning some more HTLM code, reading advice about the design and the template,etc. I think the most important is to make your blog a place that you would like to visit yourself and that reflects who you are. That's why you might look some changes at The Life Size Puzzle this days, maybe not a lot because I'm starting to feel good with it...at least for now!
I'm certainly not the MASTER of web design or anything else, but I would love to share with you the things that I'm learning. For example:
- If you want to give a makeover to your blog you could start by playing with new colors, font styles and the distibution of the widgets. I normaly try to get a mental image of how I would like it to look and then I start looking for pieces of HTML code to add to my blog template (don't forget to save your working template before making any changes!). Looking other blogs is also very helpful to get inspired, but never forget that's important to be original and to add your own personal style. That's what will make you stand out from others and keep you relevant.
- I found a great site for this: creativemarket.com. They have a big variety of blog templates to buy. It's as easy as buying, downlading the .html file and installing it in your blog. Then you can make changes and personalize it to fit your vision. The possitive part of those templates is that they're responsive, wich means that they automaticly adjust to any devices like phones and tables, so your blog will always look cute.
- If you can't invest in a blog template right now you can try a free version. They're also responsive and you can customize them too, not as much as the full version, but it works pretty good in my opinion. I found a very good selection at designscrazed.org.
- There're tons of blogs dedicated to teach html code that I find very helpful. Just take your time and google what you would like to do (Ex. Changing margins on blogger) and you will get tons of information on the subject. I found a great website, icanbuildablog.com, that is super cute and it give you very detailed instructions.
I hope that this was of helpful. If I can help you guys with anything just let me know :)
-*-Une des raisons que j'aime des blogs? Que tu peux lui changer en un évolution constante pour les maintenir jolie et moderne.
Je travaille un peu dans mon blog tous les jours pour le faire comme je le rêve. J'apprends un peu plus du code HTML, je lis recommandations pour le template et le design, etc. Je pense que le plus importante est que ton blog est un lieu que tu veux visiter et que ça reflète qui tu est. C'est pourquoi probablement tu vais voir somme changements chez The Life Size Puzzle, mais il n'aura pas beaucoup parce que je pense que il a commencé à être comme je veux...au moins pour l'instant!
Comme mon français n'est pas for pour le moment, je vous donne les recommandations en anglais, parce que je ne veux pas de faire un gros bêtise! Mais, si vous avez quelque question ou vous voulez quelque information en particulier, vous pouvez m'écrire un commentaire et je vais vous répondre:) Kisses,